Marie Lewey
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Medicare Insurance Specialist
serving these counties:
Lauderdale, Colbert, Limestone, Madison, Lawrence, Franklin, Marion, Winston
A few years ago, a friend told Marie about his work in Medicare Insurance. Having worked in various lines of insurance for more than 20 years, Marie was looking for a way to be even more helpful to people. After going on several appointments with him, she knew this was what she wanted to do. For her, this is as much a vocation as it is a career.
The reason is that, when you are approaching Medicare coverage, you have so much to think about and are bombarded with information. The steady stream of unsolicited mail and phone calls becomes overwhelming, confusing, and irritating for most people. Marie's role is to diffuse all of that, and help you understand each stage of the process. Marie says that helping in this way is very fulfilling to her, and the relationships are truly rewarding.
Having a personal Medicare Insurance Specialist means you have someone you trust to call year after year. Local, knowledgeable and reliable, Marie has shared her direct number and is hoping to hear from you!