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Unpaid Premiums for Blue Advantage

As you know, BCBSAL gave us two options in many counties this year. Members had the choice to enroll into BlueAdvantage Complete for $29.50 or they could switch their plan to the Choice plan for $0. There are a few differences in the plans, in this article we are just focusing on the premium.

There are several hundred Blue Advantage members who still have not paid their premiums. As a result, us as agents are not going to receive "renewal compensation" until they pay them.

In addition to us not getting paid, the member is obviously at risk of their insurance policy lapsing and leaving them with no coverage. Members will have 6 months to catch up their premiums before their policy lapses.

We have a unique value to BCBSAL in that we can get involved in servicing our members. This is a huge opportunity for us to help out, retiain our revenue and keep our members covered!

To view your list of Blue Advantage members who haven't paid premiums, click the link below. We've done our best to obtain contact info for you to make it easier.


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We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 9 organizations which offer 80 products in your area.

Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for help with plan choices.

Alabama Health Guidance is an independent insurance agency and does not represent Medicare or any other government agency.

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Website Managed by Signature Studios

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